work with me

My services

I can help your child in a number of ways...

online literacy and numeracy lessons

I offer a variety of options for online one-to-one lessons, in literacy, numeracy, or both, for children aged 5 to 16. I do with students outside of these ages on a case by case basis.

  • two, 30 minute lessons per week
  • one or two, 45 minute lessons per week
  • one, 60 minute lesson per week

I am very experienced in the delivery of online lessons and have been offering exclusively online lessons for a number of years. Online lessons are

  • convenient (no travelling, can teach and learn from anywhere in the world!)
  • efficient (hop online for your lesson, and log off when we're done, no waiting around)
  • supportive (being in your own space puts your child at ease)
  • effective (online learning outcomes are no different from face-to-face lessons if the teacher knows how to engage, sustain attention, and keep things interactive)

Billed by the month - please contact me to find out what my current rates are

hands on algebra - short course (10 hours)

Is your child struggling to understand Algebra 1? I offer a short course (12 hours) which will cover the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions in Algebra 1 in a hands on way. I haven't had a single student walk away from this course without understanding how to solve for x! Flexible sessions (from 15 minutes daily over 8 weeks, to lessons over a longer period of time for those who need to work at a slower pace). Also available as an asynchronous, pre-recorded course to complete in your own time. 

> AU$150 for the recorded course, individual support is billed by the lesson

The Writing Revolution - workshops for homeschooling families 

For the homeschooling parent who wants a step by step introduction and walk-through the book The Writing Revolution by Judith Hochman and Natalie Wexler. As a long time teacher of The Writing Revolution Method, I will show you how to leverage this program for maximum results in your homeschool. Receive 6 hours of direct instruction from me (over Zoom), and also receive over 70 editable templates to create your own TWR activities for any topic! Also available as an asynchronous, pre-recorded course to complete in your own time.

> US$100 - once off cost. Continuous access to workshop, all downloads, all coursework + free monthly zooms to ask questions

Visit here for more details, fill out the contact form and I will be in touch with the upcoming workshop dates. 

parent-as-tutor support program

For the parent who is looking to teach their own child but wants a little support along the way. 
We will spend a one hour session together, getting you and your child started on our chosen parent-friendly program (for literacy or numeracy), and showing you how to work with your child successfully. This program includes email support once a week, and a second zoom meeting one month in, to check in, answer questions, troubleshoot and offer advice. Additional support can be negotiated as required. 

> AU$180 - does not include the cost of the book

Some of the parent-friendly programs I use for this purpose include:

test/exam prep

I can work with your child to summarise learning material, make comprehensive notes, and create a study plan to prepare for a test or examination in most subject areas. 

Billed as a time-limited block of lessons - please contact me to find out what my current rates are

assignment help

I can support your child to complete and submit a high quality assignment in most subject areas. I help them to research, plan, write, revise and edit the assignment with feedback along the way.

Billed as a time-limited block of lessons - usually between 1 and 3 sessions required - please contact me to find out what my current rates are 

literacy and numeracy assessment

I can conduct a standardised assessment of your child's current literacy and/or numeracy level. I provide a comprehensive written report with instructional recommendations and academic accommodations which you can share with your child's school. Please note that this is not a formal assessment for the diagnosis of a learning disability such as dyslexia, dysgraphia or dyscalculia. Such a diagnosis can only be obtained through a full psychometric assessment with a registered educational psychologist. 

This is a good place to start if you are confused about where the gaps in your child's knowledge lie - or if you are struggling to know how to help them at home.

  • AU$275 - includes written report, and a consultation with me to discuss the findings

homeschool support

I can guide you and your child through a self-paced homeschool literacy or numeracy program of your choosing. This does not include one-to-one instruction with me - I simply guide you and your child through a suitable program, and provide you with printable resources (if applicable), login access (I can offer discounted access to some online programs), regular assessment checkpoints and can assist you to compile a learning summary for your moderator at the end of each semester.

This is helpful if

  • you have just started homeschooling and don't know where to begin
  • you are struggling to find resources that match your child's interests and needs
  • you are worried that your child might "fall behind"
  • you need someone outside your family for your child (and you!) to be accountable to

Billed by the month - please contact me to find out what my current rates are


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