


It was hard to choose a single John Holt quote - he had so much wisdom to share with us. This quote really resonates with me because this is what I see almost every day in my work. Children who are so afraid, that they cannot think!

on giving up


When students begin working with me they are often a long way down the road of failure, and very close to giving up. They have faced insurmountable challenges in a system designed to thwart them at every turn. They have spent years being tested, measured, compared, and constantly found wanting. Never quite good enough to meet the grade. The...

Too often, children are led to believe that WHAT they know is more important than WHO they are. My hope is that every child has a learning experience during their formative years that disabuses them of this notion. Schools do a great job of delivering a mandated curriculum to a large group of people, in the most time and...

step by step


Over twenty years of specialist teaching has proven to me, the power of step by step progress. Sometimes when we look at the big picture we feel overwhelmed and this stops us from taking the first step towards our goals. This is often the case with learning difficulties - children put off asking for help because the work just...

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