skilled writing


Although writing is a more streamlined brain process than reading (it requires only encoding, whereas reading requires both encoding and decoding), there are still many aspects to skilled writing. Again, as with reading, the drain on working memory resources is significant. Breaking down the elements of writing into simpler tasks does help, but at some point we need to be able to weave the rope back together again, and we need to have a plan to execute that successfully. 

The skilled writer begins with critical thinking skills. She gathers information and generates ideas for writing. These critical thinking skills also come into play throughout the process of organising, drafting, writing and revising. She requires the foundational oral language skills to understand how to use correct grammar, syntax and semantics and how to translate oral language conventions into written ones. She needs to know how to vary sentence structure, elaborate sentences, and write engagingly. In addition, she must understand how to structure a paragraph fit for purpose, how to organise thoughts into patterns (description, sequence, cause/effect, compare/contrast, problem/solution), and how to link paragraphs using appropriate transitions. She must also understand and be able to emulate a variety of writing genres. An awareness of task, audience and purpose are essential components of skilled writing, as is the use of many different literary devices. She must draw upon a vocabulary bank to make purposeful word choices. 

Skilled writing also rests upon the foundations of conventional spelling, mechanics such as punctuation and word usage, editing, and the physical act of handwriting. These form the strand of transcription, and whilst they are foundational in nature, are often underdeveloped and not explicitly taught after the initial instruction given in primary/elementary school. 

So much to think about! It's no wonder that students struggle with developing their written voice on their own. The majority need explicit, direct, systematic instruction in writing over a long period of time.

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