knowing versus being


Too often, children are led to believe that WHAT they know is more important than WHO they are. My hope is that every child has a learning experience during their formative years that disabuses them of this notion. Schools do a great job of delivering a mandated curriculum to a large group of people, in the most time and cost efficient way possible. But they don't count the cost of losing some along the way. The writer who has not yet found their story, the scientist still searching for their great experiment, the mathematician proving a long-pondered theorem, the artist longing to express their heart on that blank canvas...these are the casualties of the relentless march towards a standardised goal. 

We are all uniquely and wonderfully made, and oftentimes the things that schools see as weaknesses or deficits are the things that make us distinctively, us. We can do better when it comes to passing judgement on those who are still in the process of forming themselves. We must do better. 

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